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Autumn… the time to let go of what is no longer needed.

Autumn Inner Journey journal

To get back in touch with your inner self, your inner knowing with this 30-day e-course.

Join me as I guide you through Autumn and empower you to let go of what no longer supports you.

Lucinda Curran, Earth Mother Sound Healing

Meet Your Facilitator

Hi! I’m Lucinda, Sound Healing Practitioner and founder of Earth Mother Sound Healing.

I combine my background in health sciences with Sound Healing to bring you a wonderful inner journey that –

Honours the energy of Autumn, as well as letting go of what no longer supports you.

featured in

What is the Autumn Inner Journey?

Autumn Inner Journey journal
It’s a 30-day e-course
Each day, you write in your Autumn Inner Journey journal
Every 3 days, I’ll email you with guidance on the day’s journalling activity
Once a week, there’s a mini group Sound Healing for you to immerse yourself in
There’s also a pop-up Facebook group so you don’t have to do this alone
Review of Inner Journey

I was in a phase of overcoming a few blocks that were stopping me from achieving my goals… I needed to commit to my self-care and make time for myself to do the healing work I needed, to regain clarity and focus.

The short sessions each week and keeping a journal were really good for keeping track of the growth…

You can only know if sound healing is something that might work for you by giving it a go. And Lucinda offering a 4-week Inner Journey at the extremely low price makes it affordable to everyone.

~ Adrienne

Autumn Inner Journey

Here’s what you get…


Every 3 days, I’ll email you guidance on the day’s activities and journalling.

This gives you time to reflect and implement, and the opportunity to participate wherever you are in the world.

On the other days, you’ll journey independently.


Receive a 30-day Journal that I’ve designed specifically for the Autumn Inner Journey, to reflect the process.

There’s 2 versions – a print-friendly one, and on that you can type into.

This will be where you reflect and record your journey and it provides structure and support you as you travel.

Sound Healing

Join me each week for a Group Sound Healing session.

All you need is somewhere that you can sit or lie down, some headphones and an internet connection.

These sessions will consolidate your journey, allowing for a deeper integration.

FB Group

Whilst this journey is one that will take you deep inside, you don’t have to do this alone!

There is a beautiful magic that happens within a group, that magnifies the energy of the changes you are creating.

With this in mind, I’ve set up a pop up Facebook group so you can connect with others, be accountable and inspire each other.

What people say about Earth Mother Sound Healing…

“The healing experience is gentle, nurturing and safe in that memories, attachments, toxicities release when ready from wherever they are held.

“Each time I feel restored and renewed and feel incredible gratitude for Lucinda’s EM Sound Healing…”

~ Clare

“Lucinda, thank you for the incredible sound healing session!!

I felt so peaceful and calm and warm and safe and relaxed during the session with you and the following days and weeks since have felt more grounded and centred and supported…”

~ Caddy
Mother, Singer Songwriter, Clinical Pastoral Carer

“Lucinda is a highly skilled and caring practitioner.

“The sound healing sessions with her were a true delight.

“They were relaxing and releasing, affirming and strengthening, and most insightful… exactly what I needed to support me through a major life transition…”

~ Jacqui Bohuslav-Andrews

“…The [Sound Healing] session is a relaxing place just to be in… 

“After each session, I always feel refreshed and ready to tackle my day.

“It has helped me become more self-aware. And it has greatly affected me on a spiritual, mental, physical and emotional level…”

~ Teresa

“…The tuning fork was my favourite as it seemed to almost instantly quieten my mind and take me down to a different level.

“Lucinda’s gentle chanting was sublime, helping to further take me to a safe and calm space.

“I would highly recommend Lucinda’s Sound Healing session for deep relaxation and insights into the self.”

~ J.B.

“The sound healing journey offered by Lucinda is a truly unique, uplifting and enriching experience that gently touches on the unconscious.

“Lucinda creates a safe and nurturing space and utilises a wide variety of wonderful instruments to make this experience memorable.”

~ Anne Hymer

Enrol Now to Embark Upon Your…
Autumn Inner Journey